Jun 15, 2017 In this video, Echo Sound Works walks you through the new features in Serum V.1.202 in just under 5 minutes. Like, favourite and subscribe to support ADSR.- ADSR -Facebook. Serum血清合成器也不用多介绍了 堪称史上最强合成器 破哥可是费了人力财力才搬运回来的,感谢支持! 里面包含了mac版本和win版本,还有教程、音色拓展包、皮肤,一共17.2G. 2019 Xfer serum血清合成器1.215 win/mac 17G.
Serum is one of my favorite wavetable softies and it just got a whole lot better!
I highly recommend it. Here's the link to see more:
XferRecords.com | Home of the Xfer Records VST Suite
Serum 1. 214 Mac And Cheese
Playback of wavetables requires digital resampling to play different frequencies. Without considerable care and a whole lot of number crunching, this process will create audible artifacts. Artifacts mean that you are (perhaps unknowingly) crowding your mix with unwanted tones / frequencies. Many popular wavetable synthesizers are astonishingly bad at suppressing artifacts - even on a high-quality setting some create artifacts as high as -36 dB to -60 dB (level difference between fundamental on artifacts) which is well audible, and furthermore often dampening the highest wanted audible frequencies in the process, to try and suppress this unwanted sound. In Serum, the native-mode (default) playback of oscillators operates with an ultra high-precision resampling, yielding an astonishingly inaudible signal-to-noise (for instance, -150 dB on a sawtooth played at 1 Khz at 44100)! This requires a lot of calculations, so Serum’s oscillator playback has been aggressively optimized using SSE2 instructions to allow for this high-quality playback without taxing your CPU any more than the typical (decent quality) soft synth already does. Load up Serum and we think you’ll be able to notice both what you hear (solid high frequencies, extending flat all the way up to the limits of hearing) as well as what you don’t hear (no unwanted mud or aliasing gibberish- just good, clean sound).